help me? i need advices?
2008-10-21 01:55:44 UTC
i messed up things with my man and now i don't what to do!
recently, i did the mistake of " trying to work things out by talk" . i do remember now that i have done the big mistake,.
i have been dating this man for now 9 months, as usualy as other couples, the sweet time was over, and i started complaining, teaching him or reminding him,of the goods things he use to do and that he is not doing anymore, i talked and talked, the worst thing! i forget that men hate and dnt like it.... so it make him go into the silent mode, not talking to me anymore, no msg, just look at me and sleep, he refuse any kind of contact with me, i think he hate me now but i love him lot. i think i lost that trust he gave to me , not anymore his good friend,
i just want him back, now i know him and understand what mistake i did, but how will i bring him back to me? i understand he need time to overcome all that, but i am scared he will be gone forever.
what shall i do? i am scared to loose him. any advices?
Cinq réponses:
Igor Terrible
2008-10-21 03:47:35 UTC
You are being ambiguous! are you sure you regret something?

If you have really done something wrong (not just because men hate it...but because it's wrong), then you must apologise sincerely for it and promise to change (and keep your promise or the apology is invalid)...

if this is really the person for you, he will forgive you (what did you do that was so terrible?)...

in the meantime stop dwelling on heavy stuff and try to have some good times together or take a break...It's no big deal, love doesn't kill anyone. good luck!

If you haven't done anything wrong then you should give this guy a big kick in the pants and look for someone that loves you as you are...

PS. take no notice of the language 'fascist', but if you only speak English you should really direct your question to the English section or translate it here (to French)...
2008-10-21 02:05:27 UTC
You have not to do this to him, you should talk with him explain yourself, say him that you love him and that it was because you love him you did this to make of him the best of all men, and that in your eyes he is the better.
2008-10-21 02:03:09 UTC
You have to speak with him, tell him and try to explain your position.

You can t have anything withouth dialogue ok ?

Good luck
2008-10-21 02:01:22 UTC
May be he needs some time to get over all what happened. Did you really overeacted or is he the kind of guy who do not stand too much remarks? What you have to do depend on that answer...
2008-10-21 02:00:54 UTC
I can't help you if I don't understand you!! speak french..

We aren't in a english site!!!

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